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[Other resourceMATLAB-WEB

Description: 应用web和matlab的信号与系统基础 ?τ脀eb和matlab的信号与系统基础
Platform: | Size: 7821023 | Author: liyang | Hits:

[Windows Developweb日志挖掘程序

Description: 用MATLAB实现的web日志挖掘程序
Platform: | Size: 3956509 | Author: jzi2008 | Hits:

[GUI Developspeech

Description: MATLAB Web Server的配置和应用-MATLAB Web Server Configuration and Application
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 展颜 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmatlabwebserver

Description: matlab web server的一个M文件-Matlab web server of a document M
Platform: | Size: 4404224 | Author: 陈华 | Hits:

[Special Effectsfaceprotected(matlab)

Description: 人脸定位和识别的完整MATLAB代码,在国外网站上偶然得到的-face localization and identification of the integrity of MATLAB code, the foreign web sites the chance
Platform: | Size: 249856 | Author: fanxubo | Hits:


Description: 作  者 何强 何英 [同作者作品] 【出 版 社】 清华大学出版社 【书 号】 7-900641-80-7 本书以MATLAB扩展编程及其应用实例为主线,以MATLAB与C程序、Visual Basic、Excel、网络和系统硬件的接口为核心,采用图文并茂的方式、简捷明快的手法和通俗易懂的语言,配合大量的代码实例以及一个简单的语音识别系统的具体实现,系统介绍了MATLAB的新特性、常用的代码优化方法和功能扩展途径。全书分为3部分,共13章。第1部分(第1章—第6章):MATLAB 6的安装和运行、MatrixVB、Excellink、MATLAB Web Server、MATLAB的数据结构和编程技巧、MATLAB图形用户界面编程:第2部分(第7章—第11章):MATLAB引擎、MATLAB可执行程序、MATLAB C++数学库和图形库、MATLAB Runtime Server、MATLAB访问系统硬件;第3部分(第12章、第13章):MATLAB的录音工具、基于MATLAB的语音识别系统。 本书面向有一定MATLAB、C/C++语言编程基础的理工科学生、科研人员和教学工作者,既是新手进阶提高的读物,又是中高级MATLAB用户的必备手册。 -author Qiang Ying [with the authors] [publisher] [Tsinghua University Press ISBN : 7-900 641-80-7 book MATLAB to expand programming and application examples main line, to MATLAB and C program, Visual Basic, Excel, network and system hardware interface to the core, using text, Simple crisper practices and user-friendly language, a lot of code examples and a simple speech recognition system is a concrete realization, MATLAB system of the new features, the common code optimization and functional way to expand. The entire book is divided into three parts, with a total of 13 chapters. Part 1 (Chapter 1-Chapter 6) : 6 MATLAB installation and operation matrixVB. Excellink, MATLAB Web Server, MATLAB data structures and programming skills, MATLAB graphical user interface programming : Part 2 (Chapt
Platform: | Size: 23016448 | Author: 黄晓东 | Hits:


Description: 应用web和matlab的信号与系统基础 ?τ脀eb和matlab的信号与系统基础-Application of web and matlab signal and system based on? Τ脀eb and matlab basis of Signals and Systems
Platform: | Size: 7821312 | Author: | Hits:


Description: This file contains the material presented as the first Embedded MATLAB webinar on the MathWorks web site on September 13, 2007. It contains the PDF version of presentation slides and all necessary demonstration files (including MATLAB M-files and Simulink models).-This file contains the material presented as the first Embedded MATLAB webinar on the MathWorks web site on September 13, 2007. It contains the PDF version of presentation slides and all necessary demonstration files (including MATLAB M-files and Simulink models).
Platform: | Size: 1662976 | Author: 江山 | Hits:


Description: 应用matlab Java Builder实现matlab的Web应用部署的一个简单示例,测试方法在doc文档。-Matlab Java Builder realize the application of the Web application deployment matlab a simple example to test the method in the document doc.
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: 绿客 | Hits:


Description: matlab web 技术,通过这个技术,能让不会使用matlab的人使用matlab-matlab web technology, the adoption of this technology, can not use matlab to use matlab
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李寅斌 | Hits:


Description: 是“MATLAB混合编程与工程应用”一书的源码,该书高洁和孙新德编著 清华大学出版社出版 2008年5月 本书以MATLAB最新版本R2006a为蓝本,系统介绍了MATLAB混合编程的最新技术。全书共分11章,第1和第2章概述了 MATLAB混合编程的发展状况及基本方法,第3至10章分别介绍了几种典型的混合编程方法,包括使用MEX、MATLAB Engine、MATLAB ACTIVEX、Mideva、MATLAB Builder for .NET、MATLAB Web Server进行混合编程,以及MATLAB和Visual Basic、Excel等混合编程。第11章以数字水印技术为例介绍了MATLAB混合编程在工程中的典型应用。 本书按照混合编程常用方法进行编写,第3至10章的每章都为一个独立单元,读者可以任选其中一章或几章进行学习,每章重点阐述一种混合编程方法的实质和要点,实例描述贯穿始终。 本书不仅具有理论深度与广度,而且注重实用,实例丰富,特别是通过作者在数字水印方面的研究成果,提供了理论分析与应用案例。 本书可以作为高等院校计算机及信息相关专业的教材或参考书,也可供广大科技工作者参考。-err
Platform: | Size: 16645120 | Author: 宋知用 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAnimals-on-the-web

Description: 论述了从搜索引擎上下载的动物图片的分类,识别方法-Discusses the search engine to download from animal picture classification, identification methods
Platform: | Size: 6909952 | Author: chunxiao | Hits:


Description: 关于matlab web,介绍如何远程调用matlab的功能-On the matlab web, describes how the function of long-distance calling matlab
Platform: | Size: 614400 | Author: sxp | Hits:

[Picture Viewerweb

Description: web cam driver to set in matlab and snao shot
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: mohammad reza | Hits:


Description: 模式识别机器学习习题答案 http://research.microsoft.com/cmbishop/PRML-Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Solutions to the Exercises: Web-Edition Markus Svens´ en and Christopher M. Bishop
Platform: | Size: 804864 | Author: 赵德圣 | Hits:

[Special EffectsWebSafeColors

Description: 本实验要求将任意一个RGB图像转换为web-safe RGB图像,并要求将图6.8转换为web-safe RGB彩色图像,图像的原始格式为jpg格式,要求将结果图像也转换为jpg格式。该实验中首先编写把RGB图像转换为web-safe RGB图像的通用程序,然后调用这个程序实现对图6.8的转换。-Requirements of this experiment will be any RGB image is converted to web-safe RGB images, and requested that the map 6.8 converted to web-safe RGB color image, the image of the original format for jpg format, also called for the results of the image converted to jpg format. First of all, the preparation of the experiment the RGB image is converted to web-safe RGB image of the general program, and then call the procedure to achieve the conversion of Figure 6.8.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: jhm | Hits:


Description: matlab web server 开发-matlab web server development
Platform: | Size: 456704 | Author: nick | Hits:

[Web ServerWEB-basedremotecontrolsystemdesignandimplementatio

Description: 基于WEB的远程控制系统的设计与实现图文-WEB-based remote control system design and implementation of graphic
Platform: | Size: 3306496 | Author: 刘娟娟 | Hits:


Description: Matlab+web+server开发文档,对开发有一定的作用。-Matlab+ web + server development documents, on the development of a certain role.
Platform: | Size: 456704 | Author: 刘杰 | Hits:


Description: 实现了基于matlab web server的虚拟试验平台的程序,实现了部分信号与系统的验证性试验-Implementation of virtual experimental platform of Matlab Web based on server program, realized the confirmatory test signals and systems Part
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: wanglixia | Hits:
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